Found this graphic (Michigan Bucket list) on Facebook and went over it with my wife. Was thinking this would be a great way to check off some of the locations off this list while I attempt to achieve the RunMI5k goal.
Completed Bucket list Items by Lisa and myself
These were all complete before I started this 5k challenge. Links go to the county but may not contain information about the bucket list item.
I’m thinking about trying to check some of these off our list during this goal…
Lisa and I are really looking forward to many, Porcupine Mountains has been on my list for a long time. Wayne County has a bunch we could hit in a weekend. Hartwick Pines we’ve both done, but not together. So sad that we never took our kids there. Maybe, we can take our grandkids. I’ve also visited a few separate from Lisa but not together, so that is why those are on the bucket list.
What Michigan bucket list items are highest on your list? What is missing?