Jackson County Run
Leaving Eaton County I saw this rainbow, heading to Jackson County.
It was a torrential downpour as I got closer to my run in Jackson County. I was thinking it would be a super soaked run!
When I arrived the rain had stopped.
What a beautiful day it had turned into!
This was the northeast end of Pleasant Lake, temperature was warm but not too warm for this run.
First glimpse of the lake, you could barely see the lake on the east side because of all the houses, built on the lake. VERY nice houses.
You could get a small glimpse sometimes between the houses.
Very quiet neighborhood away from the lake.
The sky was amazing.
Huge fields in the surrounding area, there may have been a school on the left side of this field.
Think this was on the southwest side of the lake. I had to sneak through somebodies yard to get from one road to another – Sorry for the trespassing.
Was excited because I was finally seeing more of the lake.
Such cool places on the Southwest side of the lake
First glimpse of the island on Pleasant Lake. Also saw a water skier.
The west side of the road had a stream heading away from the lake.
Slow road with very little traffic. probably only saw 10 cars the entire time on this road.
Again what a great day!
Better view of the island on Pleasant lake. Also you can see another rainbow!
Geese crossing sign and goose in the background.
Pano shot of the island.
Couple shots farther Northwest.
Another huge field looking towards the west and the sun going down.
Loved this tree, Northwest side of the lake.
Think this field was on the North east site of the lake looking east, but maybe north…
Back at the park on the Northeast side of the lake.
Was pretty tired as I had just completed two 5ks in a row. This county and Eaton County just prior. Tomorrow I’m going to do Livingston County. I’ve actually run that county before, but not since I started this venture!
Think I’m going to run this one on Friday too, (along with Eaton) but we’ll see how it goes. I might sleep at the campground we’ll see. Saturday I might do Livingston
Jackson County
Cement City
Grass Lake
Spring Arbor
Any place in Bold and Red are townships / towns / cities I’ve run a 5k for the county run (or the closest city to my county run)
Any place in Bold and Blue are townships / towns / cities I’ve run anytime in the past.
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