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Faster running in Michigan

Faster running in Michigan – It’s the month of September, and less than a month before I’ve completed the “run a 5k every other day” challenge that I set for myself, October 4, 2019. But what started me on this journey was the annual running (5th so far) of the Byte Productions, Blue Ribbon Run.

Here are my times over the years:

2015: 37:25 – I was out of shape but wanted to run my friend’s race.

2016: 41:04 – I ran/walked this race after being out of a two-month stay at the hospital for a motorcycle accident. I was released from the hospital for less than 30 days when this race happened.

2017: 39:09 – little faster

2018 34:27 – much better

2019: 31:46 – very cool I crushed last year’s time.

With all this said, I’m still frustrated that I’ve been running so frequently over the last year that I’m surprised that I’m not a bunch faster. My fastest 5k ever was a 27:06, but that was when I was training for a Half Marathon about ten years ago. It was usual for me to go out and do a 30 min 5k training run.

My last run two days ago was a recovery/slow run because my previous run was a very, very hilly run. Tonight I decided to give it a shot to run as fast as I could the whole way. I’m impressed

Faster running in Michigan
Faster running in Michigan

The great news about this is I have nine more runs before the race day, September 28. I’m planning on running for speed once or twice more before the race. I would so love to be able to get back to a 30 minute 5k soon!


Blue Ribbon Run 9/28/20

RACE DAY!! Very pleased with my progress from last year. I was able to get this run down to a 9:52 (average pace). So glad to be able to get all 3 miles under that 10-minute mile pace.

Last years BRR: 31:46

This year’s BRR 30:37

The photo on the right is Tim from Byte Productions. Tim and his brother Tom started the Blue Ribbon Run in support of their dad. I’ve run this run every year that they’ve had it – such great people.

November 4, 2020

I’m back to indoor running on the treadmill. I decided to measure myself by seeing what I could do on the treadmill now versus last winter. Last year, I was mostly running on setting 4 or 5 and occasionally pushing it up to level 6 or 6.5 for short periods (6 being 10:00 mile pace). I’ve run on the treadmill a few times this fall and was able to do setting 6 for most of a run. I decided to try it for an entire run. I pushed it up to 6.2 to see if I could get a 5k in under 30 minutes. I was doing great and almost completed it, but my treadmill shorted out at 28:24 and shut off. SO disappointed, but there is no doubt that I could have finished the run at that pace! I think I’m going to continue to push myself once a week (or two) either by concentrating on speed or distance. I’ve made a new rule that if I run over 5 miles in one run, I can take two days off. I will be so interested in what I will be able to do come spring if I continue like I did last year, for the whole winter. I’m super proud of myself. (9:40 pace) – Faster running in Michigan

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