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Dickinson County Run

County Complete

Entering Dickinson County, I actually arrived after dark, (from Delta County) but I captured this photo the following day.

Slept in Foster City for the night.

First thing in the morning as I traveled 4 miles to my first run, I spotted about 6 deer. You can see a few of them if you look closely.
After the deer departed, I took another vertical shot.
I was amazed to see bouldering rocks in the area.
First shot on the run. There was a huge field to the left.
A look down the road shows that the planned route includes a loop that would eventually take me back to my car. However, so far, it’s just straight from here.
Another view of the field filled with scattered pine trees all around.

The road ran through those trees.

The end of my journey… the conclusion of the loop. “KEEP OUT!!” I felt disappointed realizing this would turn into an out-and-back route. Plus, I’m only half a mile to a mile into the run at this point, so I’ll have to cover the remainder after returning to my car. I truly dislike out-and-backs for this particular goal.
I did return to my car, and the lights were on. It’s probably a good thing that I had to turn around so early.
I encountered this unfortunate fellow… I showed it to Creig (my stepfather), and he thought it looked like a Western Fox Snake. I believe he’s correct. Seemed to be about 3 to 4 feet in length.
Heading south from the car.

Found another road heading west like the one prior.

So I started my run down this road.

Yet again, not even a quarter mile down this road I see this posted! AHHHH frustration.

I returned and found a road again, this time passing through a posted area with a sign that read “NO TRESPASSING!”
I ran along the trail adjacent to the posted land, hoping to make this run a bit less of an out-and-back route.
…but the little trail didn’t go very far before it joined the main road.
Back on the main road.

Another “NO TRESPASSING” sign.

That sign said “Sturgeon River”!

A better look at the Sturgeon River.

Turned west down this road.

Heading down that road. There were several home that looked like possibly summer homes.

Another “NO TRESPASSING” sign.

Continuing down the road until I hit another mile mark.

Beautiful little house on the river.

Another “NO TRESPASSING” sign.

Heading back towards the river.

A look at the river once I got back to it.

What beautiful country.

Heading back towards the car, it’s visible from quite a distance at this point. Once I reached the car, I still had a tenth of a mile to complete. So, I ran past the car for 0.05 miles, then back. Next stop: Menominee!!

Great Design Plan to run the county for this website

This will be my first run of Memorial weekend. Hoping to do it Friday night.

Dickinson County

Iron Mountain
West Branch

Any place in Bold and Red are townships / towns / cities I’ve run a 5k for the county run (or the closest city to my county run)

Any place in Bold and Blue are townships / towns / cities I’ve run anytime in the past.

Any place in Bold and Green are townships / towns / cities I’ve done website / hosting / design work – best website builder for small business – WordPress design hosting and search engine optimization. I’m a small business website builder – contact me to get a website that works! If no Green color is on this page, please talk with me (Click Here). I’ll be encouraged to change one to Green!

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