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Branch County Run 

County Complete
Here I parked my car at 7:54 pm, and the sun was going down. So glad I was able to fit this run in!
Here I am heading east towards the lake. My car is at the end of this road in the opposite direction.
Once I arrived at the lake, it was a great view and the perfect running temperature.
The sky looked very much like the sky during the last run. This photo is more like what I saw with the sun in the background of the run in St. Joseph.
Here is another shot of the lake, but the white thing you see in the middle of the picture is what I think is a water slide that goes all the way from the top of the hill into the lake. The grandkids must love this place!
Here was the first spot I could see both lakes.
I noticed a few dogs barking at me during this run. I tried taking a photo of him, but it turned out blurry.
Another shot of that amazing sky!
Here's another view of that second lake.
Such an early part of this run, and the sky is getting dark.
Houses are spaced out pretty far apart on this lake. Look at the size of that yard.
I'm back on the main road.
I think this was a photo looking down what might be a boat launch. At the end of this road, the people came up to the spot that I took this photograph from and just sat there for like 4 minutes. I'm not sure why.
What beautiful swamp land between the road and the lake! WOW!
There was also a whole field that had just got plowed. I don't know why they would do this in August, but it looked extremely fresh.
Somewhere around here was my turn around for heading back. Again it's getting late.
Here was a huge field with something planted, but I'm not sure what it was.
I loved some of the trees along the side of the road.
Here is the last stretch of this run. I think you can see my car at the top of the hill on the left.
Once I got back towards the car the sun had set.
Great Design Plan to run the county for this website

The plan for this run was much better than the first. I did exactly what was planned on these maps. I figured out the halfway point heading south was at 1.73 miles, and I was amazed when I arrived back at my car at exactly 3.10 miles. When I jumped in my car, I looked up how long it would take me to get to my nephew Cody’s apartment in Kalamazoo, and it said 45 minutes. The time estimate was disappointing in many ways: I was super tired because I was up since 5 am, I’ve worked a full day, I’ve driven for more than 4 hours that day, I so wanted time to visit with my nephew. And there were only a couple of hours before I would need to go to bed. When I arrived at Cody’s home, he had made a chicken and rice dish that was amazing! We had a great visit, and we probably stayed up past 11:30 pm.

Branch County

Union City
Any place in Bold and Red are townships / towns /cities I’ve run a 5k for the county run (or the closest city to my county run) Any place in Bold and Blue are townships / towns / cities I’ve run anytime in the past. Any place in Bold and Green are townships / towns / cities I’ve done website / hosting / design work – best website builder for small business – WordPress design hosting and search engine optimization. I’m a small business website builder – contact me to get a website that works! If no Green color is on this page, please talk with me (Click Here). I’ll be encouraged to change one to Green!

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