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Bay County Run

County Complete

I parked my car on the east side of the loop in the middle. I ran the loop then went west. I turned the corner and realized that my app wasn’t recording this run. What a bummer! So this ended up being a little over a 5k. I have an additional .25-.5 miles that didn’t get recorded.

The above picture shows a lovely little community of upper-scale homes, and it is right off a road that parallels the expressway.
I was looking south on that main road where I began. When I took this photo, my run wasn't being recorded. I found this little creek with a bunch of interesting growth around it.
Heading north on the west side of my run, I found this place that either service, makes, or sells snow-making equipment. This was an interesting thing to see.
Another photo was heading North.
Here I turned the corner heading east. There was all kind of farms and new growth.
It was probably the same creek I saw on the south end of my run, but this went through someone's yard, and they had a wonderful garden.
Running under this powerline was interesting because they were making all kinds of noise! Beautiful view, though!
Very cool farmhouse. I don't remember if this was on the north or east side of the run. But probably the north.
Here are the same powerlines looking south. Almost finished with this run. Of course, I extended this run because of the mistake I made at the start.
I am heading to Merril (Saginaw County) for my next 5k.
Great Design Plan to run the county for this website

I decided that I should try to hit a couple of counties on this trip. I was down in Clare signing some papers for my sister Lisa and figured I hit a couple of counties. It all started with this county. After running this route, I’m reasonably sure there are a whole lot of areas in this county that would be better for scenery. But there were a few spots on this run that turned out very cool. But of course, it would have been nice to run near the bay.

Bay County

Bay City
Mount Forest
Any place in Bold and Red are townships / towns /cities I’ve run a 5k for the county run (or the closest city to my county run) Any place in Bold and Blue are townships / towns / cities I’ve run anytime in the past. Any place in Bold and Green are townships / towns / cities I’ve done website / hosting / design work – best website builder for small business – WordPress design hosting and search engine optimization. I’m a small business website builder – contact me to get a website that works! If no Green color is on this page, please talk with me (Click Here). I’ll be encouraged to change one to Green!

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