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Kalamazoo County Run

County Complete
At the start of this run, I was shocked to see this view – there were houses and apartments all around. Kalamazoo is a superpopulated area. Shocking.
I was running east, and although this picture doesn't show it, I was surprised at how hilly (small hills) the area had.
I was running east, and although this picture doesn't show it, I was surprised at how hilly (small hills) the area had.
I ran by two large churches that were a block apart from one another.
Several homes had fantastic landscaping around this area. I loved this little scrub.
Also, I was impressed by the base of this tree. Pretty big boy!
I ran out of sidewalks at some points in this run. And although it looks quiet and empty in this picture, it was pretty frequent to see cars this early.
I was a little more than the halfway point. It was amazing that I felt great at this point.
Again, the sidewalks here are half the size of other cities.
Another excellent flower garden!
Back on the main road and heading back to Cody's apartment to get a shower before work.
This hill doesn't seem big. But, after running 9 miles in the last 24 hours, this was noticeable.
Here is a photo I took driving the night before heading towards Kalamazoo. But this photo reminds me of the trip home. There was an accident on the way back that had traffic at a standstill. But what a huge accomplishment these last two days were. Thank you SO much, Cody, for making this possible for me!
Great Design Plan to run the county for this website

The plan for this county was to run a 5k from my nephew Cody Jame’s Apartment after the two 5k’s the previous night. It was so great to see him again, and it was so cool to hear about his job and explain my new job to him; catch up. He makes me so proud, and his career is super impressive! Also good to see Rizzo, his dog!

Thank you so much Cody James! I will remember this weekend for the rest of my life.

Kalamazoo County

Prairie Ronde

Any place in Bold and Red are townships / towns /cities I’ve run a 5k for the county run (or the closest city to my county run)

Any place in Bold and Blue are townships / towns / cities I’ve run anytime in the past.

Any place in Bold and Green are townships / towns / cities I’ve done website / hosting / design work – best website builder for small business – WordPress design hosting and search engine optimization. I’m a small business website builder – contact me to get a website that works! If no Green color is on this page, please talk with me (Click Here). I’ll be encouraged to change one to Green!

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If you have some ideas about a county please share them on that counties comments section. I would like others to see what makes the county great.  If you would like to contact me privately you can do so here:                                   thanks. m